I grabbed my camera, left the computer online for about a hour, until I remembered I had left it on... lol.

Pebbles was smelling Sierras butt and did this
I've seen Buck do this to the girls when he's *in the moment* but I've never seen the girls do it.
theres the head and legs... that little head was just a twisting and trying to get out
just about there... it took about 30 to 40 mins since I seen the first push... Sierra took a few breaks.

and the baby is out... and it's a girl!!!
I took a pic of the slippers that are on the feet while inside the mom.
and we found one after it fell off
Lloyd is checking out his new playmate
drying in the sun with her momma
She's about 1 hour old in these pics
isn't she the prettyest colors?? her head and legs are a greyish brown and her body is a light brown.... I think she looks like a little donkey.
wobbley first steps
what a doll!!
it's windy and a bit chilly today so she got to wear the sweater.
She's 17.5 lbs and looks so much smaller than big ole Lloyd was.
we waited for a couple hours and she still didn't nurse... so we caught Sierra and milked her a bit to get her milk started... after that she nursed a bit and we left them to bond...
I gave her a bit of colostrum and she's also nursed again but with us holding sierra... she's doesn't seem to know that she's supposed to stand for her yet...
We'll give her a bit more colostrum before I go to bed tonight.
any suggestions for a name??
can you believe we're stuck for a name?? lol
till next time....
Amazing amazing amazing amazing.
Thank you so much for posting these pix.
Dolly for a name... or amazing. : )
Awesome, amazing, absolutely terrific pictures! What a cutie she is! Give her a kiss & hug from me. :)
I think you should call her Carina. It means really cute in Italian. And she is really, really cute! :)
oooh she is so gorgeous!!!
call her Lucy? Lloyd and Lucy is cute :)
truly amazing! Why not call her Precious?
She is just the prettiest new baby.
Wow! those photos were awesome. Thank you.
Hmm.. a name. What about Lady?
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