Firstly Happy New Year Everyone.
We had a quite one here we always opt to stay home where it's warm and safe.
This yr we played pictionary with the kids
Albert and DJ on one team and Naiomi and myself on the other.
We kicked butt!! lol
It's been freezing here too... like in the -40c with the windchill and one day it even hit -51c
the animals are doing well even with the cold weather..
I went to feed them during the holidays and noticed where Buckie was laying out by the feeder the hay under him was wet... he's so warm that it melted!! holy moly.
I've been doing some - ok well alot - of knitting so I'm going along with Jane in the 52 in 52
52 knitted items in 52 weeks.. so far I have this:
Tiger Socks (opal)for Carol
with my mish mash pattern for socks ;)

Stevens One Row Scarf

and a cell case, just playing around one day.

I may get way more than the 52 if I keep going at this rate.
catchya later
Love the tigar socks and so many are making the One Row Scarf I may just have to start one.
Wow you have a great jump on the 52in52! Great projects, love the socks
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