Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well I finished....

the socks for my boss, I finished them the other night and still have to block them and take a pic.. I'll post it when I do.

I also got my tote exchange partner!!

and the lady thats sending to me got a hold of me too
she has the most intresting name

"Anony Mus"


yep she's being very sneaky...
I love it!

I started on the bag I'm making for my partner too

can't say much more than that.. lol

in other news.. we had the garage sale again this past saturday.. had a better turn out but no one was buying!?!? oh well.. can't win them all

While Albert was waiting in the garage for ppl a little humming bird came in and went straight for the back window... couldn't find it's way out so Alb scooped it up with his hat and brought it out on the deck.. I got a good pic before it flew off:

then a bit later.. and lady and her family came.. she moved a blanket.. and a BAT flew out of it!!

I never knew we even had bats around here... and the funny thing was that another lady was looking at the blanket just a little while before and we didn't see anything in there...

the bat flew into a box and I put it out behind the shed.. I love bats so I wanted to hold it.. I found the big ski-doo gloves and tried to pick it up, but it just crouched down.. I put the glove down in front of it and it started climbing up my arm... well I kinda freaked.. I didn't know if it was going to go all the way up my arm or not.. the glove only goes to my elbow... aarrr.. but as soon as it got to the top of the glove it flew off into the trees.

here he is in the box.. Now I have a reason to build a bat house.. ( I've wanted one for yrs!)

these little guys eat up to 600 mosquitos a hour!!!

till next time


noricum said...

What an exciting day!!!

knitabulous said...

hummingbird - very very cute. I love bats too, but i didn't know about the mozzie thing - what a bonus! Then again, I am very keen on spiders, not petting them mind you, but just watching them spin their webs and doing their spidery thing.